March 3, 2019 @ 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
Cranford Community Center
Michael Maziekien
Peruvian Dance, Costume and Culture @ Cranford Community Center

Leap into the world of Peruvian history and tradition with Rosa Carahuallanqui and the PeruincaFolk Performing Arts School. Learn how Amazon, Andean, Andalusian and African cultures influenced the ancient Inca traditions of Peru in an interactive workshop for the entire community. This program is sponsored by the Friends of the Cranford Public Library.

Rosa Carhuallanqui was born in Huancayo, Peru, and studied anthropology at the National University of Central Peru. After receiving her teaching degree in 1996, Rosa was hired by the Ministry of Education as part of a major pilot project to include folklore in the Peruvian educational system. She came to the United States in 1999 at the invitation of Rutgers University. She was recognized in 2005 by El Diario La Prensa of New York, the largest and oldest Spanish-language daily newspaper in the United States, as one of its Outstanding Latino Women of Year for her work in education. She is the author of the book Pastores de Altura: Magia, Ritos y Danzas (Shepherds of the Highlands, Magic, Rites and Dances).

Rosa is the founder of PeruincaFolk Performing Arts School, a New Jersey/New York-based group specializing in Peruvian traditions and cultures. Their mission is “to preserve and instill appreciation for their cultural legacy through the international language of music and dance.” Weaving together music, stories and motion, PeruincaFolk’s dances strive to transport audiences of all ages to the Andes, the coast, and the Amazon of Peru.

No registration is required for this free event. The Cranford Community Center is accessible to all.